Monday, November 21, 2011

So true

Yeah, this is kinda dealing with stereotypes and I know everyone is told to ignore them, but yet they're still so relevant to us. The picture definitely says a lot.

I'm not "punk", I love punk rock and everything, but I don't identify myself the subculture though. I'm more of a rocker/metalhead, but the point is the same regardless. I've got long hair, black shirts, leather jacket, and the pseudo-badass thing going on. I look like the kid you don't want your daughter dating. (Hey, it kinda works sometimes. For the girl, not the parent part) Anyways, I'm not joking with the pseudo-badass... because I'm not one. Ha!  I think some ignore the fact that metalheads are people too and that some of us actually have moral scruples.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Wanna Start a Car Chase...


I'm that bored. Granted, I was playing some Grand Theft Auto and just messing around, but I honestly think a nice 15-20 min car chase would do me some good. I need some damn excitement once in a while!

Isn't that bad? Needing  a devilish plot to cause some enjoyment. Maybe it's just because it's different. Or maybe I just secretly, or not so secretly rather, wish to break some rules.

Don't blame video games, we're all here to interpret them.

Just another wasted night I guess.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

History of Writing?

I wonder, how did the system of writing come to be?

Did some man scribble some odd signs on the ground or on a wall and deemed it to signify words and meanings? It's hard to fathom such a thing when we take it for granted everyday. We grow up and learn it as we go along without thinking about where it has come from and where it has been.

Imagine if there were no such system, no reading and no writing. It'd be chaotic I'd say. Everything would be passed out orally such as stories, news, gossip, homework, grocery lists,etc. I wouldn't even be doing what I'm doing right now. Hell, I bet English class would be a lot easier! ...Maybe?

The Druids used to remember thousands upon thousands of tales and myths; all committed to memory and all passed down from generation to generation. They didn't have an alphabet or writing system. People used to rely on them to remember things and look to them for wisdom.

And yet, now we write everything down. Does that lead to memory loss? Or does that mean we're just committing to memory only things that matter. I mean, who wants to remember the grocery list from 3 years ago? Although, it would beat having to write that stuff down every single time you go out. So, do we write for laziness? Are we not competent enough to memorize things anymore? Probably not.

But some things have become easier with writing such as the spread of knowledge. Math equations would be extremely difficult by solving them out loud. Ha! Imagine the math whizzes try that one!

As for me, I'm writing to keep a grade like every other school boy/girl/it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just one of them days...

Ever have just one of them days? Where shit just tends to go wrong when you don't want it to? Of course, no one wants anything to go wrong when they DO want to, but that's besides the point.

I just wasted 4 hours of my precious time waiting around for people, only to have those plans cancel in the last minute.

Killing me, Smalls.

It irks me when I have to waste my time. IRKS ME. I don't spend much time out of the house or with friends, and when I do I'd like to actually do something other than sit in a cold, dark parking lot waiting around for people to meet up only to find out that nothing is going to happen.

Sure, wasn't their fault at all. Shit happens, other things come up. But I can't help but feel that there's some force in the universe that's sole purpose is to ruin weekend plans of mine. Bastard.

'Nuff rambling for the night.